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নৈকাঠী মাধ্যমিক বিদ্যালয়

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Naikathi Secondary School is one of the best schools in Keora Union. The school has a long historical background. Respectable person Named by Mowlana Hafez Mia Saheb Established a Patshala in 1951. He taught his students as a teacher. After that it has become as a govt. model primary school. The elite and the education interest person of this area wanted to set up a high school. Thay made a plan to set up a Junior High School in 1960. After some years it had stopped for the cause of economical purpose. Than they start again in 1982 and recognation in 1985 as a Junior High School and in 1989 in recognation as a high shcool. The results of the SSC & JSC are always satisfactory. We have standared teaching method, strict discipline, proper guidence, co-curriculumn activities, Irrespective of creept and avoiding political device. All for these our school is different than others.

More Information
EIN: 101673
FOUNDED On: 02-01-1982
TYPE : Secondary
BOARD : Barisal
MPO NUMBER : 5301111301
Design and developed by Shanto Islam
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